Classic Toys | Jack in the Box
Classic musical Jack-in-the-box
The Jack-in-the-box is centuries old. Most of the brightly coloured boxes feature either a clown or a joker that pops out when the handle on the outside of the box is turned to a certain position, as the music plays. The most popular tune to be played is ‘pop goes the weasel’.
In 2005 the Jack-in-the-box was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame due to its timeless charm that has captivated the interest of children for decades.
Our Classic tin musical Jack in the Box features a clown and has bright playful pictures on all sides. Build the suspense as you wind the crank, not knowing when Jack will pop out!
Fun fact: In France a Jack-in-the-box is called a ‘Diable En Boite’ which means Devil in a box!
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